Some nice Sketches by Andrea Joseph

Andrea Joseph is an artist from UK who specializes in hand sketching and has a wonderful ability to create beautiful sketches. Today we are presenting some of the finsest sketches by this gifted artist.

Andrea-joseph-spirit in Splendid Sketches by Andrea Joseph

Cloud Invasion
Here, with great attempts we collected various stunning photographs of clouds. We’ve split the entire collection into several categories: the beautiful, the rare and some extremely rare clouds you don’t often see. Enjoy and lets see if you get clouded or lighten.

See also 60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac OS X Leopard) wallpapers


Blue Aqua Apple 30 Nicest Apple, MacOS and iPod Wallpapers

 60 Most Beautiful Apple (Mac OS X Leopard) Wallpapers
Earlier, we showcased you 30 Nicest Apple, MacOS and iPod Wallpapers, and considered this as a sequel, here’s another 60 most beautiful apple related wallpapers; inclusive of apple logo, Mac OS X, time machine, iPods, and more.
90 wallpapers in total, some must be your favorite. Full list after jump.

Motorcycle by oilcorner

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hoa tim dep

Wataru Itou
This astounding paper model looks amazing with all the little lights illuminating it. Be sure to hit up the link for more pictures of this masterpiece.
Paper Craft Castle 6 in 40 Awesome Works of Art Made From Paper

Disqus for Amazing Photography