Since our last issue of Steampunk Art Update we saw some truly mind-boggling examples of this sub-genre, with more creative "steam" and inventive "spunk" than can be found anywhere in modern art scene: many of these examples we featured now and then in our Biscotti issues... but now's the time to spotlight two artists that particularly stand out, and mention other upcoming talent.

"Requiem for Industry", art by Almacan: Kazuhiko Nakamura - see more of his "Mechanical Mirage" works
Let's start with art by Sam Van Olffen (see his site) from Montpellier (South of France) - he describes himself as a Graphic Sampler. His preferred graphic composition is the result of various pictorial elements removed from their original context, which are then combined with one another to create something.... different. Sam's influences include literature, palmiped and... cathedrals.
Here is an epic image "Le Cirque Rouillé" (Circus of Rust) - click to enlarge:

(images courtesy: Sam Van Olffen)
Sam Van Olffen photographs real-life objects, and combines them to create a new, darker, fantasy reality, as a DJ might create a new sound:

Our favorite is the "Post-Nuclear (Bio-Tox) Romance" series: a date in a cafe... and a gas mask wedding:

Very evocative architectural visions:

During the Hampton's Antique Galleries steampunk exhibition last summer Sam Van Olffen works provided a gorgeous backdrop to the lighting designs of another outstanding artist - Art Donovan.

Steampunk tripod light, and the "Shiva Mandala" (Illuminated Astrolabe) - more info
Art Donovan makes lamps that light up the space not just with electricity, but with singular brilliance of their design:

"Siddhartha Pod" lamp - more details
Victorian Concept Mayhem, and Other Mechanized Atrocities, by Keith Thompson
We featured some sizzling concept art by Keith Thompson before, but his imagination keeps pumping out more and more bizarre vehicles, robots, various un-dead and other un-savory monsters (check his site for more)... some are quite dark, so viewer discretion advised.
"Originally a byproduct of alchemical study, the Mollusc Tree is now harvested for both medicinal and culinary applications"... On the right, are the "Halfling Executors of Megalys" (cover art for the Arcane Codex Megalys book by Nackter Stahl Publishing).

A scrivener automaton - "The Scribe" - working in a rather wealthy merchant's library:

World War Two design sensibilities play a major part in Keith's military vehicle concepts:

Iron Grip: the "War Zeppelin" and ST-38 tank

"Jonah's Fortress", click to enlarge
The "Romulus" is a wicked-looking robot concept, with or without its armor -

Click to enlarge, also check out very neat spaceship concept
Finally, a gorgeous, baroque-styled "Dajjal" robot:

(images credit: Keith Thompson)
Pre-order "Leviathan" (a rather grandiose illustrated steampunk book) by Scott Westerfeld, illustrated by Keith Thompson - soon to be published by Simon and Schuster - click here
Steampunk Walking Cities... what more could you possibly want?
Daniel Dociu dreams big. Simply steampunk vehicles and mad scientists are too small in scale, why not paint the mobile cities - sort of glorified "Howl's Moving Castles"? Check out how radical this looks, and you'll agree that sometimes the bigger is truly the better:

Reminds us of the scenes from China Mievelle's "Perdido Street Station"... same crazed apocalyptic mega-city approach. See more of this artist work here.
Finally, this image we've already shown once in our Biscotti issue, but it has the quint-essential steampunk quality: enjoy, and visit Alex Broeckel's awesome gallery:
"Steam Octopus" (click to enlarge):

(art by Alex Broeckel)