Navigation is the most important part of a website without which no website can effectively operate. Achieving unique navigation that effectively fulfills its purpose is nearly akin to climbing Mount Everest. Having a unique navigation with perfect functionality makes the website easy to navigate, thus ensuring a better users experience.
Here, we have collected some sites with amazing and unique navigational elements that will not only inspire you, but will show you how to combine innovation with practicality. We hope you like this assortment. Enjoy!

CSS and JavaScript Based Navigation Menu

Small Stone
The navigation of this site goes with the theme. This is a website of a US based record label that is evident through its navigation.
BountyBev turns to their creativity to help make their navigation menu as unique and distinctive as it is.

Virtually everyday we see examples of surrealistic imagery all around us. Ever wonder why this particular style of graphics are so popular? It really isn’t that hard to figure out. The reason is that this surreal images are often extremely imaginative and stirring.
The word Surreal generally signifies bizarre or dreamlike. Surreal photography pushes the limits of the medium, just as most surrealistic art does for the medium it belongs to. Surrealism seeks to take you to an imaginary, dreamlike world with the aid of its various techniques and applications.
Here are some eye-catching surrealistic wallpapers to let you decorate your desktop with style. All the wallpapers are linked back to their original location. Take a look at this collection, and scratch that wallpaper itch you have that brought you here.

The Papers

Download Wallpaper: 1024×768 1280×800 1920×1200
Surreal Storm
Download Wallpaper: 1600×1200


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